12/17/2021 Update

Greetings everyone.


This will be the last blog post of the year. I'm going to discuss current events and what's to come for ZeusWorks.


I'll start it off with where I'm at with production of the cables.

For the past couple of months I've been really busy with school, especially the last 2 months. I had a final project to finish of this course. 

I did what I could in the time that I had left on a day and mostly worked on the weekends. I managed to finish most cables besides 12 Ishtar that I'm finishing tomorrow. On Christmas vacation I'm going to finish the Maestro cables and ship them at the beginning of the year. 

After the vacation I'm off to exams. I'm going to finish as many orders as I can in this period. After exams I'm going abroad to my end Internship for school. This is a 5-6 month internship. (Leaving on January 26th) 

I've managed to get someone to work on the cables once while I'm gone so there's atleast some progress being made. This means that all cables that are not finished will ship in Q2 2022 once I'm back. 

The reason the cables are not going out when I'm abroad is because I still need to work on one phase of the process to ensure quality cables. 

Once I'm back the cables will be going out really fast as most of the production would be complete. I'm looking at 3-4 weeks max.

I'm really sorry to everyone I've disappointed with the lack faster production. It's been a wild ride this year and I've learned allot about how to run a business. 

If you have any concerns or questions feel free to send me a PM on discord or send me an email. 

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

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