Monday 8/3/2020 Update

Monday 8/3/2020 Update

This week we have some good news! Connectors I'll start with some information about the new connectors. I have been speaking to my Cerakote contact for a little while now. Not too long ago he sent me some samples of what he made.

As you can see they look really good. The amazing thing about this is that My contact is a certified Cerakote applicator. This means that we'll have the best quality applications possible. The prices for these are not set yet, I'll inform you when they are.

I've made a decision on Saturday. I've ordered more supplies. This time I ordered them with DHL Express shipping which cost me a lot of money. This batch should get here before the other one before this one. I'm not giving any dates yet as it hasn't shipped out yet. This gives me a bit more hope that I can start on the cables sometime soon. I hope this gives you guys some hope as well. That's it for this week. If you have any questions feel free to leave them down here or send me a message on discord.

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